640 Gympie Road, Lawnton, QLD 4501
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
Saturday - Sunday
7:30AM – 5:00PM
8:00AM – 4:00PM
Mental Health
General practitioners have an important role to play in reducing the burden of common mental health disorders in the community and are often the first port of call for people seeking help when suffering a mental illness.
At Gympie Road Medical Centre, the doctors are enthusiastic to help patients with different types of mental health issues . In addition to services provided by the general practitioners, we offer Telehealth psychology services.
Psychologist service
The clinical psychologists are experienced, helpful and well trusted by their patients. They are trained in a range of different psychological therapies such as CBT, EMDR, Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Counselling and Narrative Therapy which can be applied to the particular needs of each individual.
One commonly used therapy for depression and anxiety is cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). CBT aims to show people how their thinking affects their mood and to teach them to think in a less negative (and more ‘realistic’) way about life and themselves. CBT can be very beneficial for some individuals who have depression but there will be others for whom it is irrelevant.
You might be eligible for a mental health care plan and referral to psychologists through the plan we may be able to offer a bulk billing psychology consult.
Please note that some of our psychologists have a gap fee.
Psychiatry services
Psychiatrists are specialist doctors who diagnose and treat mental disorders. Psychiatrists can prescribe and monitor medication for mental health disorders .
You need a referral from your doctor to be able to see a psychiatrist and you might be eligible for a bulk billing psychiatrist visit through a mental health care plan. Please talk to our GP's about this and they will be able to refer you externally to a suited psychiatrist.
Mental Health Care Plan
The Mental Health Care Plan is part of the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (Better Access) initiative. This initiative aims to improve outcomes for people with a clinically diagnosed mental health disorder.
A mental health care plan is a plan for people with mental health issues to give referrals to psychologists for mental health consults. The mental health plan is a team care arrangement between your Gp and your psychologist and aiming to improve your mental health wellbeing with a holistic approach and collaboration between your GP and your counsellor.
If you have a mental health care plan, you will eligible for bulk billing psychology services or for getting part of your visit covered by Medicare for up to 10 individual appointments with the psychologists in a year.
At Gympie Road Medical Centre, we believe that your mental health wellbeing is one of the most important aspects of your health . Please book and speak with one of the doctors today by calling on (07) 3338 8828 if you suffer from any mental health issue.