640 Gympie Road, Lawnton, QLD 4501
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
Saturday - Sunday
7:30AM – 5:00PM
8:00AM – 4:00PM


Iron Infusions
(Intravenous Iron Replacement Therapy, Ferinject)
Do you suffer from low iron levels? Feeling tired or not yourself? Speak to your GP today for more information on whether an Iron infusion is suitable for you.
What is Iron Infusion Replacement Therapy?
An Iron Infusion, is a minor procedure performed in a safe environment, being monitored by both the GP & Nurse. The Iron is delivered into your vein through an Intravenous Cannula (IVC) which is the most effective delivery method for optimal absorption.
Iron is essential in the production of red blood cells, which helps transport oxygen to all your vital organs. The absence of red blood cells can result in development of chronic conditions such as anaemia, heart arrhythmias and more!
How will you receive your treatment?
You will be booked in for 40 minutes with our friendly nurses and 20 minutes with your GP. During this time, we will answer any questions you may have and monitor you closely throughout the entire procedure. You will go through any possible side effects with your GP and given the opportunity to ask any questions prior to and during the procedure.
How long will it take till I feel better after treatment?
Unfortunately, its hard to give a specific timeframe as to when you will start to feel better as everyone's iron levels are different, however this is a great first step to getting your body replenished and on the right track.
Fees Involved:
This procedure is $288.00 charged at a private fee, with a rebate from Medicare.
Concession card holders will not be eligible for further reduction.
Book an appointment with us today
Please call up our friendly team at Gympie Road Medical Centre on (07) 3338 8828 for more information, we’re always willing to chat about our services with you.